Dear Friends of Project Oz,
Did you know that if all the runaways in the United States lived in a city, it would be the fifth largest city in the US? Project Oz works hard every day to scale that city back.
It starts by getting youth to #Talk2Somebody.
We all need somebody to talk to:
Somebody to lighten the load when our problems threaten to overwhelm us.
Somebody to celebrate our strengths.
Somebody to encourage us with hope for the future.
Somebody to share our successes along the way.
Somebody to help guide us.
For almost 900 young people in our community last year, that somebody was a Project Oz counselor or caseworker. Every day, Project Oz connects with youth on the streets and in the schools who just need somebody to listen and give them a little help to achieve their goals for the future.
November is National Runaway Prevention Month. Project Oz wants to make sure that all young people in our community know they’re not alone.
Throughout the month, we’ll share personal stories, statistics, and articles through social media in order to raise awareness about the needs of homeless and runaway youth in Central Illinois, and the services we provide. Please help us spread the word by “Liking” and sharing our social media posts, and telling your friends about Project Oz.
Please follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & LinkedIn
Project Oz helped 216 runaways in McLean County and Livingston Counties during the past year, and provided phone support for an additional 87 runaways.
To help more runaways, we are participating in “Giving Tuesday” on November 28th.
We hope you’ll consider donating to Project Oz to help ensure that local youth can #Talk2Somebody, and have a safe place to go this holiday season.
Please click here to donate to #GivingTuesday anytime during the month of November.
Your gift can make a difference! Thank you for your continued support of Project Oz!
Peter Rankaitis
Executive Director