Supporting parents is one of the things we do best. We’ve been helping families since 1973. Whatever difficulties you may be having with your teen, chances are we’ve dealt with it before. We can help you sort it out with family services that will help you thrive during the teenage years.
"You brought comfort, levity, and helpful realistic information in what is a powerful, difficult, and awkward situation."
"You took the time to get all the details and then assist with a solution acceptable to all."
If your child runs away:
This can be a highly upsetting time. If your child has run away from home and you can’t locate them, call the local police department. They will call us when they locate your child, and we’ll get everybody together to talk it out. If your child cannot return home immediately, we have Host families who provide a night or two of safe shelter.
You can also leave a message for your child at the runaway hotline at 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929). If your teen calls in, the hotline will relay their message to you, and your message to them.
You may also want to visit
Family Counseling
Our staff can help family members get their relationships back on track when things go awry. We’ll help you explore obstacles and patterns behind conflicts, learn communication and self-care skills, and help you rebuild family bonds.
Homeless Youth Services
If you know a teen who has been disconnected from her or his family and is now homeless, there are ways we can help. Encourage any homeless teen you know to contact us about survival aid, job preparation, education, skills classes, and housing.
Parents Forever
If you are in the process of divorce or separation, we can help you take care of yourself and stay connected to your child. Parents Forever is a 4-hour course that teaches ways to handle stress and anger, understand how separation affects your children, and more. This course meets the requirements if you are court-ordered to attend a class. A limited number of partial scholarships are available.
Drug Prevention
First, the good news: most kids DON’T use drugs. But, many kids still feel some kind of pressure to try drinking or drugs. That’s where we can help. We’ve been working in the public schools since the 1970s, teaching about the consequences of drug use and how to keep from getting involved. We use a curriculum that is tried-and-true. We also lead community coalitions and the Youth Action Board, groups who continually develop activities that keep kids safe and drug free.
Support for High School Students
We have counselors at Bloomington High School, Normal Community West, and Normal Community. They can support YOU and your teen. Counselors can make home visits to talk about how to support school achievement, and we will connect you to resources that will make your life easier. At school, our counselors can work with your student to identify their goals and work on ways to remove the barriers.
Alcohol & Other Drugs
Bloomington-Normal Parents: Talking to Your Teen About Alcohol & Drugs
Parent Talk Kit About Preventing Drug & Alcohol Abuse
The Parent Toolkit
How Parents Can Prevent Drug Abuse (and more)
Alcohol’s Effect on the Developing Adolescent Brain
A Parents’ Guide to Raising Drug-Free Teens
Family Checkup: Positive Parenting Prevents Drug Abuse
Drug Facts: Heroin & More
Safety & More
National Runaway Information & Hotline
What to do if a Child Runs Away & More Info
Runaway and Other Services in Illinois
Social Media and Teens
Parenting Your Teen
Human Trafficking Hotline & Awareness